Option Explicit ' sshd_block.vbs - Blocks IP addresses generating invalid SSH logons ' Copyright 2009 Wellbury LLC - See LICENSE for license information ' ' Release 20090721 - Initial public release ' Release 20100120 - Added "invalid user" strings, blackhole rule creation ' using "Advanced Firewall", tested against Windows 7 x64 ' External executables required to be accessible from PATH: ' ' ROUTE.EXE For black-hole routing banned IP addresses in Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 ' NETSH.EXE For black-hole firewall rule creation on Windows Vista / 2008 / 7 / 2008 R2 ' EVENTCREATE.EXE For writing to the event log (if enabled) ' ' For support, please contact Evan Anderson at Wellbury LLC: ' EAnderson@wellbury.com, (866) 569-9799, ext 801 ' Main Dim objShell, objWMIService, objEventSink, blackHoleIPAddress, regexpSanitizeEventLog, regexpSanitizeIP Dim dictIPLastSeenTime, dictIPBadLogons, dictUnbanTime, dictBanImmediatelyUsers Dim colOperatingSystem, intOSBuild, intBlackholeStyle ' =====================( Configuration )===================== ' Set to 0 to disable debugging output Const DEBUGGING = 0 ' Set to 0 to disable event log reporting of bans / unbans Const USE_EVENTLOG = 1 Const EVENTLOG_SOURCE = "sshd_block" Const EVENTLOG_TYPE_INFORMATION = "INFORMATION" Const EVENTLOG_TYPE_ERROR = "ERROR" Const EVENTLOG_ID_STARTED = 1 Const EVENTLOG_ID_ERROR_NO_BLACKHOLE_IP = 2 Const EVENTLOG_ID_ERROR_NO_EVENT_MESSAGE_FILE = 3 Const EVENTLOG_ID_BAN = 256 Const EVENTLOG_ID_UNBAN = 257 ' Location of Event Message File in registry Const REGISTRY_EVENT_MESSAGE_FILE = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\sshd\EventMessageFile" ' Expiration (in seconds) for IPs to be banned Const BAN_DURATION = 300 ' Number of failed logons in time window before IP will be banner Const BAN_LIMIT = 5 ' Attempts Const BAN_TIMEOUT = 120 ' in X seconds ' Usernames that attempted logons for result in immediate banning Set dictBanImmediatelyUsers = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dictBanImmediatelyUsers.Add "administrator", 1 dictBanImmediatelyUsers.Add "root", 1 dictBanImmediatelyUsers.Add "guest", 1 ' ===================( End Configuration )=================== Const SSHD_BLOCK_VERSION = "20100120" Const BLACKHOLE_ROUTE = 1 ' Blackhole packets via routing table Const BLACKHOLE_FIREWALL = 2 ' Blackhole packets via firewall ' =====================( Stress Testing )==================== ' Set to 1 to perform stress testing Const TESTING = 0 ' Number of "bogus" bans to load Const TESTING_IP_ADDRESSES = 10000 ' Minimum number of milliseconds between adding "bogus" IPs to the ban list during testing Const TESTING_IP_MIN_LATENCY = 10 ' Maximum number of milliseconds between adding "bogus" IPs to the ban list during testing Const TESTING_IP_MAX_LATENCY = 50 If TESTING Then Dim testLatency, cumulativeLatency, testLoop, maxBanned, bannedAddresses Randomize End IF ' ===================( End Stress Testing )================== Set dictIPLastSeenTime = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set dictIPBadLogons = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set dictUnbanTime = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set regexpSanitizeEventLog = new Regexp regexpSanitizeEventLog.Global = True regexpSanitizeEventLog.Pattern = "[^0-9a-zA-Z._ /:\-]" Set regexpSanitizeIP = new Regexp regexpSanitizeIP.Global = True regexpSanitizeIP.Pattern = "[^0-9.]" ' Get OS build number Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{(security)}!root/cimv2") Set colOperatingSystem = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT BuildNumber FROM Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each intOSBuild in colOperatingSystem ' Windows OS versions with the "Advanced Firewall" functionality have build numbers greater than 4000 If intOSBuild.BuildNumber < 4000 Then intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_ROUTE Else intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_FIREWALL If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "intBlackHoleStyle = " & intBlackHoleStyle Next ' intOSBuild ' Only obtain a blackhole adapter address on versions of Windows where it is required If intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_ROUTE Then blackHoleIPAddress = GetBlackholeIP() If IsNull(blackHoleIPAddress) Then LogEvent EVENTLOG_ID_ERROR_NO_BLACKHOLE_IP, EVENTLOG_TYPE_ERROR, "Fatal Error - Could not obtain an IP address for an interface with no default gateway specified." WScript.Quit End If End If If NOT CheckEventMessageFile() Then LogEvent EVENTLOG_ID_ERROR_NO_EVENT_MESSAGE_FILE, EVENTLOG_TYPE_ERROR, "Fatal Error - Event message file for sshd not present." WScript.Quit End IF ' Create event sink to catch sshd events Set objEventSink = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemSink", "eventSink_") objWMIService.ExecNotificationQueryAsync objEventSink, "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_NTLogEvent' AND TargetInstance.SourceName = 'sshd'" LogEvent EVENTLOG_ID_STARTED, EVENTLOG_TYPE_INFORMATION, EVENTLOG_SOURCE & " (version " & SSHD_BLOCK_VERSION & ") started." If TESTING Then If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Stress test loop" For testLoop = 1 to TESTING_IP_ADDRESSES testLatency = Int(Rnd() * (TESTING_IP_MAX_LATENCY - TESTING_IP_MIN_LATENCY)) + TESTING_IP_MIN_LATENCY WScript.Sleep(testLatency) Ban(CStr(Int(Rnd * 256)) & "." & CStr(Int(Rnd * 256)) & "." & CStr(Int(Rnd * 256)) & "." & CStr(Int(Rnd * 256))) bannedAddresses = bannedAddresses + 1 ' Try to ExpireBans no more often than once every 1000ms cumulativeLatency = cumulativeLatency + testLatency If cumulativeLatency >= 1000 Then if bannedAddresses > maxBanned Then maxBanned = bannedAddresses cumulativeLatency = 0 ExpireBans End If Next ' testLoop ' Drain the queue While dictUnbanTime.Count > 0 WScript.Sleep(1000) ExpireBans Wend WScript.Echo "Stress test completed. " & TESTING_IP_ADDRESSES & " tested with a maximum of " & maxBanned & " addresses banned at once." ' Loop until killed While (True) WScript.Sleep(1000) Wend Else If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Entering normal operation wait loop." ' Loop sleeping for 1000ms, expiring bans While (True) WScript.Sleep(1000) ExpireBans Wend End If Sub Ban(IP) ' Ban an IP address and set the time for the ban expiration Dim strRunCommand Dim intRemoveBanTime ' Ban an IP address (either by black-hole routing it or adding a firewall rule) If (TESTING <> 1) Then If intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_ROUTE Then strRunCommand = "route add " & IP & " mask " & blackHoleIPAddress If intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_FIREWALL Then strRunCommand = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=""Blackhole " & IP & """ dir=in protocol=any action=block remoteip=" & IP If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Executing " & strRunCommand objShell.Run strRunCommand End If ' Calculate time to remove ban and add to dictUnbanTime intRemoveBanTime = (Date + Time) + (BAN_DURATION / (24 * 60 * 60)) If NOT dictUnbanTime.Exists(intRemoveBanTime) Then Set dictUnbanTime.Item(intRemoveBanTime) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") End If If NOT dictUnbanTime.Item(intRemoveBanTime).Exists(IP) Then dictUnbanTime.Item(intRemoveBanTime).Add IP, 1 LogEvent EVENTLOG_ID_BAN, EVENTLOG_TYPE_INFORMATION, "Banned " & IP & " until " & intRemoveBanTime End Sub Sub Unban(IP) ' Unban an IP address Dim strRunCommand If (TESTING <> 1) Then If intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_ROUTE Then strRunCommand = "route delete " & IP & " mask " & blackHoleIPAddress If intBlackholeStyle = BLACKHOLE_FIREWALL Then strRunCommand = "netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=""Blackhole " & IP & """" If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Executing " & strRunCommand objShell.Run strRunCommand End If LogEvent EVENTLOG_ID_UNBAN, EVENTLOG_TYPE_INFORMATION, "Unbanned " & IP End Sub Sub LogFailedLogonAttempt(IP) ' Log failed logon attempts and, if necessary, ban the IP address ' Have we already seen this IP address before? If dictIPLastSeenTime.Exists(IP) Then ' Be sure that prior attempts, if they are older than BAN_TIMEOUT, don't count it against the IP If (dictIPLastSeenTime.Item(IP) + (BAN_TIMEOUT / (24 * 60 * 60))) <= (Date + Time) Then If dictIPBadLogons.Exists(IP) Then dictIPBadLogons.Remove(IP) End If dictIPLastSeenTime.Item(IP) = (Date + Time) Else dictIPLastSeenTime.Add IP, (Date + Time) End If ' Does this IP address already have a history of bad logons? If dictIPBadLogons.Exists(IP) Then dictIPBadLogons.Item(IP) = dictIPBadLogons.Item(IP) + 1 Else dictIPBadLogons.Add IP, 1 End If If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Logging bad attempt from " & IP & ", attempt # " & dictIPBadLogons.Item(IP) ' Should we ban this IP address? If dictIPBadLogons.Item(IP) = BAN_LIMIT Then Ban(IP) End Sub Sub ExpireBans() Dim unbanTime, ipAddress For Each unbanTime in dictUnbanTime.Keys If unbanTime <= (Date + Time) Then For Each ipAddress in dictUnbanTime.Item(unbanTime) Unban(ipAddress) If TESTING Then bannedAddresses = bannedAddresses - 1 Next ' ipAddress dictUnbanTime.Remove unbanTime End If Next 'ipAddress End Sub ' Should an invalid logon from specified user result in an immediate ban? Function BanImmediate(user) Dim userToBan For Each userToBan in dictBanImmediatelyUsers.Keys If UCase(user) = UCase(userToBan) Then BanImmediate = True Exit Function End If Next 'userToBan BanImmediate = False End Function ' Fires each time new sshd events are generated Sub eventSink_OnObjectReady(objEvent, objWbemAsyncContext) Dim arrEventMessage, arrInvalidLogonText Dim IP, user arrEventMessage = Split(objEvent.TargetInstance.Message, ":") If Left(LTrim(UCase(arrEventMessage(2))), 12) = "ILLEGAL USER" Then arrInvalidLogonText = Split(LTrim(arrEventMessage(2)), " ") user = arrInvalidLogonText(2) IP = arrInvalidLogonText(4) ElseIf Left(LTrim(UCase(arrEventMessage(2))), 12) = "INVALID USER" Then arrInvalidLogonText = Split(LTrim(arrEventMessage(2)), " ") user = arrInvalidLogonText(2) IP = arrInvalidLogonText(4) ElseIf Left(LTrim(UCase(arrEventMessage(2))), 32) = "FAILED PASSWORD FOR ILLEGAL USER" Then arrInvalidLogonText = Split(LTrim(arrEventMessage(2)), " ") user = arrInvalidLogonText(5) IP = arrInvalidLogonText(7) ElseIf Left(LTrim(UCase(arrEventMessage(2))), 32) = "FAILED PASSWORD FOR INVALID USER" Then arrInvalidLogonText = Split(LTrim(arrEventMessage(2)), " ") user = arrInvalidLogonText(5) IP = arrInvalidLogonText(7) ElseIf Left(LTrim(UCase(arrEventMessage(2))), 19) = "FAILED PASSWORD FOR" Then arrInvalidLogonText = Split(LTrim(arrEventMessage(2)), " ") user = arrInvalidLogonText(3) IP = arrInvalidLogonText(5) End If ' Make sure only characters allowed in IP addresses are passed to external commands IP = regexpSanitizeIP.Replace(IP, "") ' If the event didn't generate both a username and IP address then do nothing If (IP <> "") AND (user <> "") Then If BanImmediate(user) Then Ban(IP) Else LogFailedLogonAttempt(IP) End If End Sub Function GetBlackholeIP() ' Sift through the NICs on the machine to locate a NIC's IP to use to blackhole offending hosts. ' Look for a NIC with no default gateway set and an IP address assigned. Return NULL if we can't ' find one. Dim objNICs, objNICConfig Set objNICs = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = TRUE") ' Scan for a NIC with no default gateway set and IP not For Each objNICConfig in objNICs If IsNull(objNICConfig.DefaultIPGateway) and (objNICConfig.IPAddress(0) <> "") Then If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Decided on black-hole IP address " & objNICConfig.IPAddress(0) & ", interface " & objNICConfig.Description GetBlackholeIP = objNICConfig.IPAddress(0) Exit Function End If Next ' Couldn't find anything, return NULL to let caller know we failed GetBlackHoleIP = NULL End Function Sub LogEvent(ID, EventType, Message) ' Log an event to the Windows event log ' Sanitize input string Message = regexpSanitizeEventLog.Replace(Message, "") If DEBUGGING Then WScript.Echo "Event Log - Event ID: " & ID & ", Type: " & EventType & " - " & Message If USE_EVENTLOG Then objShell.Exec "EVENTCREATE /L APPLICATION /SO " & EVENTLOG_SOURCE & " /ID " & ID & " /T " & EventType & " /D """ & Message & """" End Sub Function CheckEventMessageFile() Dim eventMessageFile On Error Resume Next ' Noooooooo! eventMessageFile = objShell.RegRead(REGISTRY_EVENT_MESSAGE_FILE) If Err.Number <> 0 Then CheckEventMessageFile = False Else CheckEventMessageFile = True On Error Goto 0 End Function